Me [26 F] with my husband [37 M] of two years, he's angry that I answered I would divorce him if he gave me an ultimatum between him and my cat.

I feel we need to hear the husband's size in all this before passing harsh judgement. I can't stand pets, have phobia and allergy, and all my life people have downplayed it. Oh, just take medicine! Oh, it's such a small dog! I've been kicked out of my friend's house and then banned from seeing her as a teen cause I wanted the dog to be in another room as I went up to my friend's room. Constantly mocked, even strangers snap at me cause I grimace while passing their dog.

But, unlike OP I recognize you can't make people like pets. OP's husband tried to set boundaries thinking it would make him feel better, but he doesn't. OP shouldn't have married him in the first place, found someone who loves pets like she does instead, but she did marry him. To me it's absurd to toss away a marriage over a pet, but if that's what OP wants she needs to leave her husband now. Also, her husband's feelings are very real. Of course he's hurt his wife, someone he meant to live his life with for 50 or 70 years, is choosing a pet over him.

Fact is some people don't like pets. Nothing will change that.

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