Me [27 M] with my girlfriend [26 F] of five years, trying to figure out if I'm being unreasonable by not wanting to spend time with her on her birthday.

Your girlfriend can wait until next week. Of course, Reddit is going to be 100% on your girlfriend's side, they're wrong. Duh. Is your girlfriend in medical school? How many times are you going to be in medical school? Will your girlfriend have another birthday? Yes. Are these flowers ever going to bloom again? Yes, for sure.

honestly this entire post sickens me. The dude is clearly stressed for his exams, wants to do well, and his girlfriend is bitching at him because she wants to go see some fucking flowers?

It's a birthday bro. Not a big deal, just make it up to her. Seriously, think of something special you can do to make it up to her. Or you're toast. Good luck

/r/relationships Thread