Me [41 M] with my fiance [32 F] 4 years, wants marriage and baby immediately, I'm feeling isolated, suffocated, and trapped by codependency.

And I think it's clear you're falling into your own trap of failing to read posts fully--tone, word choice, content and many more factors can be VERY revealing as to the type of individual the poster is. With that said, I do not think the OP is a bad person or an abuser, but unfortunately, OP (I'm not going to bother to do linguistic analysis right now) identifies and has most likely always identified as a victim throughout his life. He repeatedly blames others (his GF and even her young daughter!) for all his issues, minimizes his own shortcomings (he has fallen on hard times and is not financially able to leave...aka...he is financially dependent based on his monstrous abuser due to his own deficits), and consistently finger points and name calls.

I agree that both he and his SO sound mentally unstable and should not be together, but I can assure you that most unwilling/non-compliant victims (unless they are former victims, who have become the abuser--sad cycle) do not write or speak in this way. For evidence of such, observe a little bit rather than blindly speak based on righteous quest to believe men when they say they're being abused. (And trust me, I believe men.)

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