Me [45M]. Daughter [16F] announced she's joined Scientology. I have worries over this, need some help.

This is indeed a worrisome situation. Here are some resources for you. My apologies if any of these have already been posted. These are suggested by various members of the Anonymous vs. Scientology message boards at

Book titled "Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out" by Rick Ross. At

Book titled "Leaving Scientology: A Practical Guide to Escape and Recovery," by Jefferson Hawkins. At

Steven Hassan's website:

Other advice from members: 1. Do not directly criticise the cult- it will stop further communication with your daughter. 2. Talk generally about the psychology of indoctrination (ref Steve Hassan). 3. Tell your daughter how much you love her and care for her and that you want the best for her (keeping it positive and uncritical helps lots because cults work to undermine normal familly relationships and emotions).

4.If you need to talk about cults- talk about another one, or two, not the one who recruited your daughter- let her see the similarities without pointing them out (Steve Hassan's advice).

5. Seek help and support from parents who have gone through similar things. 

I just want to add that you are getting lots of advice to allow your daughter to explore the cult and get through this "phase," while during this time you keep the lines of communication open. While well meaning, this advice isn't great, as scientology will shut down those lines of communication before you know what has hit. Scientology will "love bomb" her in the beginning. She'll feel so loved and gain such a sense of belonging, that she'll listen when they tell you that you are "suppressive" and she needs to cut you out of her life for good. They'll also convince her that "saving the planet" is more important than finishing her education.

No money, no problem -- they'll use lies to entice her to join the sea org, and they'll transfer her to who-knows-where, possibly out of the country. She'll be gone, you won't have any way of knowing where she is, she will be cut off from the outside world, her passport and cell phone confiscated, and she'll be forbidden to contact you. She won't have any money, either, as sea org slaves are paid pennies.

The above does not happen in every case but it is a possibility. Don't let it happen. You are in a tricky spot. I do not envy you. Best wishes to you and your daughter.

/r/relationships Thread