Me after realizing all those songs were about Luka all along.

What’s gonna be the meme meta once this ban scare passes?

I’ve been here a long time on reddit. The bans come when you do not expect them, never with much warning. Reddit has no qualms about using no knock raids on innocents. The ones trying to sabotage us would likely see our warnings and push their attacks to a more unsuspecting timeframe as well. These people get enjoyment out of shutting down other people’s fun..

My prediction remains: by August this sub is gone. I think they have to let’s get through ‟America, fuck yeah” day first though. No way we get very close to election time though. The Biden memes would hurt them. They took pro Donald memes mostly off the platform by removing that oh so terrible subreddit. Whichever subreddit shits on Biden the hardest (this one could be up there as time goes on) is going to be the hard target.

I actually think the idea of shitting on Trump to blend in is great. We should shit on all past (and future) presidents, but just throw Trump’s name/face on it as the scapegoat. That way you can talk about Obama killing brown kids and saying ‟they’re all combat age, so it’s a okay!” but blame it all on orange man and his Putin daddy.

/r/Bayonetta Thread Link -