Come at me, bro.

I am not opposed to disagreement, in fact, it happens every day here on this subreddit and in the vast majority of cases it happens in a calm and respectful manner.

Calm and respectful? I guess when it's your friends doing the bullying, you could call it that. But, it didn't feel very calm and respectful to be on the receiving end of all that flaming. I'm feeling a bit crisped today.

Sense of humor aside, you came here to our subreddit for advice and rebuffed what efforts were made to help. On its own it wouldn't be too bad, but you then decided to double down by deriding some of our best deckbuilders and pilots in the same thread you asked them to help.

I did? Where's the request for advice in my OP? I didn't ask for any help on the deck. I posted a badass deck and said, "here it is folks, bask in its glory." At NO point did I seek or desire any help on the deck. I was just proud of it and wanted to share it.

Apparently, though, that is a cardinal sin on this sub. If someone is proud of their build, they must be cut down to size: "How DARE you show pride in that pile of rubbish!?!?" Then the pitchforks are gathered and the townsfolk go to work roughing up the insolent interloper for displaying hubris. Pish-posh, our best deckbuilders say you're deck is donkey-dung, so how dare you disagree? You, sir, are being very rude!

And just think about how condescending that assumption is: "Oh, you're posting a deck here, you MUST need our 'help'!!" Do I? Did I ask for it? Where I was raised, unwelcome and unwanted "advice", especially phrased in a condescending and dismissive way, is rude. But here, it is apparently the default norm.

There was no assumption that I'm just sharing my list to help others. There was no assumption that we are equals and that I have just as much, if not more, experience in the format than you all. Nope. The assumption is that I need your help, whether or not I actually want it.

Instead of acknowledging this and trying to develop a positive discourse with both myself and our regular users you've chosen to double down and accuse me of selective moderation in a tone that is, once again, both dismissive and disrespectful.

Again, it is NOT disrespectful to have a difference of opinion. You call this thread "ridiculous" and I'd actually agree. But disagree with your assumptions about what I was trying to do here, and when I do that, it doesn't mean I'm being rude to you. You're not infalliable.

I was just trying to lighten the mood a bit (and it was working), and then you came in like a big old raincloud and got all bent out of shape about it. Why? Have I used profanity or called you names? No. Have I threatened or abused anyone? No. So why are you so mad about it?

I said you were wrong. And I respectfully explained why I thought so. That is the exact opposite of being rude or dismissive.

You don't like the accusation of selective moderation? Well, then stop doing it. If you're being selective and I call you out on it, I'm not being rude, I'm saying, "Hey, you may not realize you're doing this, but maybe you should take a look at how this appears from my perspective." You said yourself that those guys were out of line, and yet I have seen no attempt on your part to public call out their bad behavior.

Why do they get a free pass?

If you want your sub to be a place of calm, respectful discourse, then you need to be fair about doling out those warnings. When you witness a big gang pile like yesterday, you should step in to defend the minority against the bullying being done by the majority. You can't warn me too, if you like, but giving the bullies a free pass is only going to embolden them to harass other newcomers to your sub.

mods who ban dissenting opinions, but if you continue to pollute an otherwise friendly and discussion driven platform the way you have these past two days then I won't have an alternative option.

That is always your option.

I know you probably won't like much of what I just said, but that doesn't mean I was disrespectful to you. I disagree with the way you've chosen to moderate this situation. You said this discussion would have been best done privately, and yet it was you who called me out publicly on my behavior, while ignoring the behavior of the bullies who piled on me.

If I was out of line, and you want to warn me, fine. I get that. But you could have done that privately. Doing it publicly sends a very different message.

Because it takes two to tango, you know.

So while you may not think you've selectively moderated this problem, at least you can see why I might think that you have.

/r/CompetitiveEDH Thread Parent