me, a centrist

Nah, he was "bothsides"ing hard enough where it could be an honest mistake

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't "both sides" typically pertain to when you're saying both you polar extremes are the same from the perspective of me in the center? I clearly state multiple times that I don't think libs are as bad as conservative - I know the right is to the right of centrists, and I think that matters.

I cannot honestly comprehending that, while advocating for single payer, a Romneycare supporter would call me a centrist.

Add that to the fact that he blatantly misrepresented what happened

I dunno if it was blatant, or in any way deliberate, but you bring up a good point. I imagine if they had nitpicked me on that instead of inexplicably assuming I was a Q-Anon MAGA dipshit, we could have had a more productive conversation. The thing is though, he wasn't the only one making this assumption. And it had only been a day since the last time someone more towards the center than I resorted to a line of argumentation that was only relevant if I was to the right of them. Like, I feel like I'm being unambiguous with my statements, but I get misinterpreted all the time and I don't know if there's something I should be doing differently in order to get my position across more clearly. I don't know how to better point out a discrepancy in the rationale of someone I agree with to at least some extent and possibly almost entirely, without them assuming I'm attacking every aspect of their position - as if I'm some Mirror Land doppelganger of them.