Is it Me? Doesn’t it seem like you get more requests for BB FS then ever before? Could it be new girls doing it or wtf why now more than ever!!

Wow. Never have the mods 'supported providers who offered BB and shaming/banning those who disagree' what the fuck. I have never seen such an obviously twisted, biased perspective of something around here.

They didn't 'ban discussion of PrEP and STD outbreaks', the reasoning the mods gave for banning certain STD discussions (they banned discussions of people asking IF they could have caught something, how likely it is to get something, or topics asking for advice that should be left up to ACTUAL HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS AND PEOPLE'S OWN HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS).

It's really weird how you guys are misrepresenting things and causing outrage among people when you are obviously twisting things...none of this shit has ever happened in the slightest...

/r/SexWorkersOnly Thread Parent