Give me the greedy bastard look

I'm really having a tough time understanding the FCC reversing this decision, not that it's unlike every other strike on the Obama administration. Who has the bigger dick? Let's swing a bat and show everyone we mean business. Literally telecom see's a threat with Internet's ongoing classification as a utility, so they want called an information service. It's build on public utilities, you paid the same light up fees to the government to have access to cable writing as you did with phone and cable, but wait, - cable is still la utility. In fact, they're probably the same damn wires. But let's charge separate fees. This is literally about control, control for profit, and what will be highly unspoken of as these companies send a 'message' instead of direct statements to ploy out their motives is fluctuating traffic towards the messages they intend to get out. Free Speech, who is voting for who because of free opinion, Now you won'y just pay to lobby but theoretically you'll pay to promote freedom of speech. What the f*ck?

/r/Justfuckmyshitup Thread Link -