Me and my friend have finally gotten our dream cars in GTA Online. How do they look?

The “honesty” you want to be praised for is really just an excuse you use to be unnecessarily negative.

If I had said that without him asking for people's opinion, then that would have been true. Those people are assholes. But again, he asked for opinions. If you go online and ask for opinions, you can't expect everyone to agree with you. If you do that, then you're only seeking affirmation. And that's a problem. That isn't healthy.

When I ask people for their opinions, it's because I'm looking for ways to optimize something. I want to improve something. I don't do it just to make myself feel better, and then feel terrible if people DON'T agree with me.

Have you ever thought about just not commenting if you only have a negative opinion?

No, that's not how opinions work. You can't silence someone just because they don't share your opinion. And again, you can't expect that everyone is going to agree with you when you go online and ask for other people's opinion in a public forum.

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