So me and my girlfriend are having this debate about who should move in with who. Just looking for opinions. See below for the full story.

Yup, agreeing on a totally new place that both parties like is probably going to be the only compromise that is truly fair for both parties from both an emotional and financial standpoint.

This isn't just a money decision and trying to argue the case from a logical point of view is going to result in an impasse. OP is defending their position from a logical/financial perspective but it sounds like they too have a sentimental attachment to their place/their neighborhood and they need to recognize that it's an emotional decision for them as well. Instead of discounting their partner's point of view as purely emotional and illogical, they need to understand that their partner may also have logical reasons too.

Another thing I want to address: as a female, feeling safe is a legitimate concern that shouldn't be discounted and you might want to discuss further if her feelings come strictly from not being familiar with your area/misconceptions about the city vs getting catcalled on the corner or followed to her car, etc. If she has made comments about specific situations in your neighborhood that have made her feel unsafe, it would be wise to really listen to her concerns and find a solution both of you can be happy with.

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