Me, my mother, my grandmother and my great-grandmother in 1979

I am 42, and child-free. I am a musician and work in the performing arts industry, with a side job in the cannabis industry. I have craft days where my friends come over and paint things or write music. I still take bubble baths every day. I just got RDR2 and I love it. It’s replaced pubg for me for a while. I live in a city where it’s actually easier to get around by bike, so I do. I have tassels on my handlebars.

I feel very sad for you. Your idea of “old” is extremely limiting. You’re going to grow up to be super bored and boring as fuck.

I, on the other hand, am living the exact life I imagined when I was sixteen, and not many can say that. If you did even just a little dogging in my past posts you would see that i didn’t get to have a fucking childhood.

So before you start throwing around generalizations based on age, why don’t you let yourself age a little bit. I remember when I thought 42 was old, but times have changed. Societal expectations have changed.

I shouldn’t take criticism from a human that isn’t fully developed yet, but your words have weight, and they hurt someone like me.

With this, I wish you well, and I hope you stop making ignorant statements about social demographics you are not a part of.

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