The Me-Too movement had made me (21F) question if sex with my ex (25M) was normal or something worse

I was weirded out by the idea so I said no and he kept insisting, so I gave in.

That falls under the term "sexual coercion".

He stopped for a second, then said "well I'm almost there so..." And kept going until he finished...which was only ~10 seconds or so. That left me having panic attacks so bad I missed a midterm. He told me at the time that he told one of his friends what happened and she said "oh yeah that happens all the time" but a Reddit poster from a few days ago said the same thing happened to her, and half the comments said it was's made me question what the hell this incident was.

It was rape.

e firmly denied EVER asking me if I was awake and said I was just remembering wrong. His memory is crap and he knows it (we used to joke all the time about this) and normally if I said something happened the way I remembered it, he trusted me. NEVER did when it came to times he could have messed up with sex, it was always me "remembering it wrong" Is ANY of this normal?

Nope, him gaslighting you isn't healthy or normal.

/r/relationship_advice Thread