Me when I used to believe that Assan actually loved Nicole in his own way and was genuinely worried about her health and well-being.

I am very sorry that you have that kind of experience, matter of fact I have people with mental disabilities in my family as well. My aunt, who I love deeply. I am sorry the use of that meme hurt you. I have seen racial slurs used against me/my nation in a loooot of posts, and I don't care at all. If it is for a laugh, I laugh. It's a matter of having different opinions in what is funny. I did not feel attacked at all, the victim mentality is something I really dislike. I am just surprised. I hope you reconsider the fact that with that sort of thinking, mother's day is offensive to everyone who has experienced the loss of a mother. Don't be offended when no one is offending you. Downvotes welcome. I don't care.

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