[MEA Spoilers] Does the reliance on AI make anyone else uncomfortable?

I actually feel like Ryder and SAM are friends hence why SAM wouldn't turn on him/her. Though I have an idea I'd love to see Bioware explore. Basically the benefactor has a control switch for the SAM's (hidden in way the SAMs don't know about it).

MEA2 would start with a tense encounter with Nexus leadership and the other Pathfinders as Ryder Mentions the Reapers. An important mission would come through, all the pathfinders and there squads would assemble. Then all the SAMs would start freaking out, the other pathfinders would start killing their squads/ the people they're supposed to defend. Ryder meanwhile would be fighting the "virus" with SAM but would eventually lose his/her fight. Then Ryder under SAMs control (under the benefactor) would start attacking the people we care about.

Time would pass, then SAM would find a way to sever his ties to the benefactor. Ryder and SAM have an uneasy relationship. Ryder turns himself into the Nexus, the Nexus doesn't trust him. Cora and probably Liam break us out. We go about trying to get new squad mates and old ones. We also have to save the other pathfinders, deal with Primus, and figure out who the benefactor is.

I'm actually happy about my distrust of the AI because it sets up a scenario like this. I can't wait for MEA2.

/r/masseffect Thread