I mean, you could've just asked for it...

We are inundated day-in, day-out with the joke that is the current President. Every day we wake up to some new scandal. Every day we hear about how he's making us all look bad to the rest of the world. If he's not attacking a vulnerable group of people, he's drumming up support for some potential war or war-like action. If he's not doing that, he's being outed for another lie. If he's not doing that, he's telling another lie. If he's not doing that, he's attempting to bully some other head of state. If he's not doing that, he's bullying someone 'underneath' him. If he's not doing that, he's spilling classified intel to an adversarial government. If he's not doing that, he's pissing off our allies.

Every. Fucking. Day.

So yeah, it's going to come up when it seems irrelevant because it is ALWAYS at the top of the news cycle. It is ALWAYS in the back of our minds. It is ALWAYS being discussed somewhere in our daily lives.

We use stories to relate, and when the top story for the last 4 months is "president Cheetoh doing stupid shit again" it's going to be referenced a lot in normal conversation.

So you and anyone else can get pissy every time it comes up seemingly out of nowhere, but until this president either gets his shit together and stop behaving like a buffoon or gets impeached, it's going to continue to happen because that's the nature of human social interaction.

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