Is it mean to stop talking to a girl just because you have started getting feelings for her?

Since you want a woman's opinion, I would like to post this comment I read on TwoX a few weeks ago:

There are a lot of women who think this:

"put yourself in the shoes of a girl who thought she made a wonderful friend, only to find out that he just wanted her for sex. that he just wanted her for a relationship."

But it's a disservice to men to say that their ending a friendship after it becomes clear there are unrequited romantic feelings means it was only ever about sex or a romantic relationship. It's hard, as she must know, to try to be around someone who doesn't reciprocate romantic feelings. For many boys (and I notice that this entire piece is about boys, not men) -- actually, for many people -- friendship grows organically into romantic feelings. Friends already have an emotional bond - it's not hard at all for that to slip into a romantic one. These boys didn't spend months doing stuff with her because they "just wanted her for sex". Certainly not in second grade, for crying out loud! Yes, boys often express things crudely. It's because they're not really supposed to express things at all. I think it's easy for women to assume men don't have a rich emotional life because men are socialized not to express it, and particularly not to show weakness. You think a guy is going to say "I can't be around you because it hurts too much to know that this is all our relationship will ever be?" Not very likely.


PS I'm not saying that this is not a very shitty thing to do to another human being, I just want to say that this is a more complicated issue.

/r/AskWomen Thread