I mean this with all due disrespect: if your male relative is a sex offender or abuser and you defend him, make excuses, enable him or make life harder for his victims and collateral victims, you are not a feminist.

Blanket statements only served to cover the truth. My brother has been accused of being an abuser and I 0% believe it. I even know he has a temper and can be an asshole verbally, but his manipulative evil cunt of an ex-wife has been turning herself into a victim, lying about situations that happened while they were together and well after they were together, trying to reframe the truth in order to get full custody of their child, parental alienation, trying to get him arrested for cyber stalking for texting her about custody arrangements for the kid. I utterly loathe her she is the problem in standing by my family does not make me any less of a feminist.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread