Meanwhile, in Russia.

A bear walks into a russian bar.

Bartender asks: What would you like to drink?

Bear says: I’ll have a vodka and...

My Boss: What’s the joke? I don’t get it.

Me: What do you mean you don’t get it? Just think about it.

My Boss: The Bear can talk?

Me: No, that’s not the joke.

My Boss:* the bear speaks russian*?

Me: No, that’s not the joke either.

My Boss: The Bear likes to drink vodka?

Me: No, you’re overthinking it

My Boss: Okay can you just explain it to me then?

Me: Of course not that would ruin the joke!

Conversation eventually changes topics because my boss doesn’t care anymore, I leave work a few hours later

I go to my boss’s office the next morning

Me: Hey can I ask you about something?

My Boss: Yeah sure what is it?

Me: ...and would you mind throwing a few ice cubes in there? bartender asks in english: Why the long pause? Bear replies “I was born with them!”

Anyways, I need a new job so if anyone’s hiring please let me know.

by u/Rocket_Robby

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