Meatball Miles dog passed away last night.

Looking at the responses to Miles, I see the carefully worded and thoughtful responses from Barb, Trevor, and Michael... and the one that I can’t decide if it’s an emotional outburst coming from immaturity or genuine friendship from Mica.

Stepping back from who any of these people are, in this context, or what anyone here really thinks about them... if you’re in Miles’ situation, would you rather have a coworker or friend message you with the Michael/Barb/Trevor response, or the Mica response?

It just didn’t have any sense of gravity or care put into the message for me. It would feel like someone reacting, while Trevor feels like someone consoling. Just kind of thinking out loud here. I guess i wanna be more like Trevor and Barb when my friends’ pets die?

/r/roosterteeth Thread Link -