This movie was so bad, I could barely keep my eyes on the screen. I actually felt embarrassed for the actors on the screen. I rarely will give a movie a bad rating. I always try to find the positive side of things, and take the movies as an enjoyment given to me through honest effort. But this movie was hands down the worst I have seen. The effects were worse than the teenagers I see making prankster videos on Youtube. The script was so bad that I actually was looking around the theater to see if there was a prank taking place and we were the test subjects. I almost walked up to the tickets office afterwards to see if they had perhaps gotten a bad cut of the movie that wasn't supposed to be released, and they hadn't noticed yet. Up till now, the only other movie I have given a complete fail on was Jonah Hex. I seriously haven't actually gone to a movie in the theater, and left saying it was awful until that movie, and now this one. I like the first mechanic, but I feel sick to my stomach thinking of how much I paid to see this one.

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