Media never fails

It’s obvious that the claim is false because he said good things in speeches? He says things are the “best ever” in every one of his speeches he could be talking about toast and it would be “the greatest slice of toast in the history of existence believe me”. And he increased the budget of the organization he’s in charge of how shocking.

These claims came from a reporter from your own Fox News. Literally came from the fake news broadcast itself. Not to say that I take it as fact, I think everything they said is utter bullshit but how does your “logic” hold up there? He also ordered that wounded military not be in a military parade, he skipped out on Arlington for the 100th anniversary of WWI and, on video, he deliriously waved his hands around and pointed at people then sat down DURING the national anthem at mar a lago. He does not respect the military or its pride, he uses it for his image. The armed forces deserve better.

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