I do medical billing for a major hospital and I believe for-profit health care is evil. AMAA

What's scary is that people don't realize how shitty our health care system is.

Go on Yelp or other reviews of hospitals and doctors, you'll see how many people have horrible treatment. How many people stay in the hospital for 8 hours in the ER before seeing a doctor.

Stupid people that don't see it FIRST HAND are quick to believe we have all these checks and balances which we DO NOT. WHo do you think runs the State Boards that watch over health professionals??

Until you've experienced it, until you've seen someone die because a hospital neglected them, until you see someone suffer because the doctor FUCKED UP.....until you submitted a case to the State Board and they blew you off....until you went to a malpractice attorney and they said you got screwed by the hospital but they won't take the case.....you won't know how fucking SHITTY our health system is.

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