Meesa... clumsy

True, I feel as though this deserves deeper analysis.
To start there are different types of irony (dramatic, situational, verbal, tragic). Dramatically speaking, Sidious's rise to power is quite clever and follows the three pillars well- Installation, Exploitation, and Resolution. Palpatine creates fear in Anakin through manipulation- he knows Anakin is afraid of losing Padme, and wants him to turn to the Dark Side and become his apprentice. The audience knows Anakin will become Darth Vader eventually, and viewers of the OT know Ian McDiarmad played The Emperor (tragic irony plus installation), and the story uses this to develop curiosity in God Emperor's Master Game of 4D Chess. The Resolution takes place on Mustafar. However, in his efforts to save her, he becomes the thing he swore to destroy- he is Padme's murderer, mirroring The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise. Plagueis could save others but not himself, while Anakin could save himself from dying in the lava but not Padme.

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