Meeting a bear in the woods

I didn't watch the video. I took a wilderness survival course that had an emphasis on bear encounters. I also live in Alaska and have my entire life.
Bears are literally everywhere up here.
No joke.
The average person, even someone well trained in the use of a firearm is most likely not going to have the wherewithal to be able to put a slug in the brain pan of a charging bear, even provided a distance opening in which to see the bear.
Most encounters are under circumstances in which you won't even know the bear is there.
You pop out of the brush going around a bend and bam, there's a bear in the trail and you've just surprised it. It's thirty feet away, it makes a charge, you grab for your gun, you may get a shot off, intending a head shot, but do you hit the head? Not likely. The bear slams into you, now in pain and enraged as opposed to simply scared, and proceeds to tear you apart as you struggle to get another shot off. This is a losing scenario.
Alternatively, you grab for your bear mace and you blanket the ground and area in a heavy spray of almost pure capsicum, which hangs in the air like a a cloud. The bear slams into you, but finally takes another breathe but inhales a lung full of pain and burning. Being simply scared, not knowing where the pain is coming from directly, the bear is disabled as its eyes, nose, lungs are all burning viciously, every inhalation and moment it lingers hurts worse than the one before, and stunned it begins retreat. You meanwhile knew it was coming and tried to hold your breath, but get some in you and on you regardless. But since the bear didn't really want to be hurt or fight, it has run away, and you have the advantage of being able to wash the spray off of yourself.

You tell me which situation you'd rather deal with?

The reality is a gun is good, but if you have to shoot a bear you fucked up and didn't follow safety protocols for being in bear country. If you pepper a bear it will survive, but it will be less likely to go near humans again, even accidentally.

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