Mega Pizza Giveway

Throughout my elementary and into high school, I was in love with this girl. Gorgeous red head, exceptionally intelligent and very kind. She also had the most gorgeous green eyes you will ever see in your life. However, our school was very "cliquey" and we did not associate with the same groups. I should say that I was (and still am) an incredibly intelligent person, though my hair was always long and greasy, and my nose was a bit larger than average, and hung out with a bit of a bad crowd.

One day, we had a particularly grueling set of exams, all of which could determine our future and where we would end up. After one of the tests, I was sitting outside, going over the test to see what I might have missed. And then there came...him. Worst bully in the school, and hated me from day one. He constantly picked on me, doing whatever he could to make my life absolutely miserable. Of course, he could do no wrong seeing as he was in the popular clique and was the star athlete of the school. I knew he also liked this red headed angel, and it simply made me hate him even more.

So he and his friend got bored and decided to engage in their favorite past time - picking on me. I tried to defend myself but to limited success. Finally, the red haired girl yelled at my tormentor to stop, that it was wrong. I was in a rage at this point, anger boiling over stronger than you can imagine. I hated everyone for laughing, I hated him for doing this to me yet again, and I for some reason picked her as the outlet for my rage. I called her a Mudblood. She hardly ever spoke to me again, and I knew any chance I ever had with her was gone. After we graduated, she married the bully and had a child. She and her husband died, and I was never the same.

Now I have to teach that little shit at school.

tl;dr Had a huge crush, called her a foul name and then had to watch her son after she died.

/r/RandomActsOfPizza Thread