Megathread: 18 year old Reese Fallon identified as victim of Danforth shooting

Ah yes, must belong X group. What other excuses can we come up with?

Why not just male? At the end of the day that's what all these acts have in common. That's the common thread here. The most reliable thing about men in society at this point is their violent tendencies. Always has been, probably always will be. You can try to blame black men or brown men or muslim men or white men or lonely men or old men or young men - but it's always just men.

Men and women suffer from mental illness at similar rates. Men and women practice Islam at similar rates as well. But these stories somehow always seem to involve men.

It's just another man doing what men have always done. You can make up any excuse you want, but at the end of the day it's just another way to dismiss male violence as some other group's problem.

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