[Megathread] Daily Politics Thread - March 07, 2021

It isnt a "thought". If you're getting assaulted or abused I hope you're not "thinking" about calling the cops or somebody to help you.

If somebody is on their last legs you don't "think" about getting a job and income. You go and do it. You walk your happy ass into a staffing agency at minimum (no matter your background, skin color or past) and they will help you find something. It might not be something you "want" but its what you got to do. Sooner or later (Sept 6th) everybody on unemployment is going to need to make the choice. Stay broke and suffer or actually get steady income by working even a job you don't want to work. If you have to "think" about it then you might as well give up in life and stop wasting space in society.

/r/Unemployment Thread Parent