Megathread: Eurydice Dixon

It can be really difficult to address broad cultural issues and individual incidents. There wouldn't be a single isolated event that is ever caused by just one particular societal issue, nor would there be a single individual who is ever simply the product of one cultural force. At the same time single isolated events have broader cultural issues as part of their cause, and individuals are a product of many social forces. It's so hard to look at the complexities of the micro and macro at the same time. Moreover it's clearly hard to use the right language to do this.

In our societies we rely on huge social processes and systems to address many of our problems, be it the justice system or education system or political processes. These too must try to address the mass as individuals and a culture. If we only say it's just one bad person we miss the big picture, if we only lump an entire issue into one cultural factor then we neglect individuals.

Like you said, we have to look at root problems. Taking your SHIT CUNTS view, in order to even categorise individuals into the SHIT CUNT pile, we'd need to look at patterns. Is a SHIT CUNT caused by genetics? Family relationships and upbringing? Social isolation? Illness? Experiences particular to their gender or class? We could go on.

A few things arise from looking at root problems. Firstly, it's hard to even isolate those elements from each other, they tend to overlap. Moreover, I personally start to see a SHIT CUNT is at least largely caused by factors outside their control. However what I'll focus on is addressing the root problem: if we start to see common causal elements amongst shit cunts, we can target one of these areas in the hope it can help the problem.

Because of the issue at hand, which is addressing sexual violence, basically I'll say that a large portion of these SHIT CUNTS are caused by experiences particular to being male. That is not to say of course, that every male is violent, and the two shouldn't be confused.

What conditions lead to this cultural problem of male violence? We know that males have to confront a lot of problems just because of their gender. Is there any relation to the extreme and extremely unacceptable high suicide rate faced by men? In Australia, suicide remains the leading cause of death for people aged 15-44, and 75% of all completed suicides are men. Are males more prone to social isolation, or not being able to express emotion, or having to be tough, which can make certain males in certain situations more prone to violence? Are the cultural pressures and constraints of masculinity leading to male violence - against women, against other men, and against themselves? If so, what can we do at all levels of society to change this bullshit?

I don't know. This is a broad cultural issue that women are saying can't be solved at the root if a main solution is continually for women to be vigilant. The solution is really up to everybody, but I think it's another good opportunity for men to talk about the problems and pressures men face, and to try and address them, so that male violence can be addressed.

I don't think anyone is calling you as an individual a SHIT CUNT or says you're violent just because you're male. Maybe some people are, I really don't know. Maybe we do need different words that aren't so offensive to men, and maybe that term can lead to individual men feeling stereotyped and being afraid of prejudice - what do you think?

How would you talk about the complex intertwining of the cultural and the individual in simple language? How would you solve the issue of male violence? I don't see male violence as something done by a few weird people whom I can cleanly distance myself from by calling them SHIT CUNTS. It's a very complex issue influenced by a wider culture that I live in and help create. I don't blame myself for it, but I feel a sense of duty to do better, or do something.

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