Megathread: State v. Chauvin --- The verdict

A misstatement of the law to the jury is probably not sanctionable conduct unless it was intentional or particularly egregious. After the defense’s closing, the judge reread an instruction to the jury that they should disregard what lawyers say about the law if it differs from the Court’s instructions. That probably cured any prejudice (at least from an appellate court’s perspective).

When I graduated law school, I was terrified of making some little mistake and being sanctioned. I’ve since learned that, unfortunately, lawyers get away with a lot more than they should. My advice to you as a young lawyer is that the ethics rules are the floor, not the ceiling. Hold yourself to a higher standard and you’ll feel good about your work and, as a result, you’ll be a better advocate.

But no, lawyers rarely get sanctioned or disciplined for the stuff your law school probably said is sanctionable or unethical.

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