Megathread: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Dies at 87

You have to be incredibly delusional or mentally ill to believe that somehow Trump and Hitler are comparable at all. Or that whatever is going on with illegal aliens is somehow comparable to Nazis and somehow all of that is comparable to being a transman in America. The only thing the news keeps confirming is that, once again, everyone feels the need to exaggerate everything and compare to the Holocaust which in turn only trivalizes it. It's perfectly okay and normal to call that out and ask someone to stop comparing such minor things to something that was actually serious.

I didn't bother responding to him because he's obviously just insane but I would expect you to know better. Medical malpractice isn't torture, it's medical malpractice. Being a ward of the state as an illegal immigrant isn't the same as being locked in a concentration camp. Conspriacy theorists only make up a tiny percent of the population and they don't have political power. What little violence in the streets that is occuring right now is perpetuated by misguided dumb people and not anyone in power. No one is being denied the right to vote and non-US citizens don't need a right to vote. What attacks on civil liberties? In no way are any of these things comparable.

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