
I love it when mf'ers swear THEY were the prize

Good luck in all your future endeavors, I'm trying to solve my radioactive and poisoning's not about "the right words"

People who feel they have power above the law, only understand power moves

Either black bag a few of these corrupt law enforcement, cartel, security contractors who are working together and negotiate my undeniable safety, or go your own way homie

I got mad respect for you, but youre paying a whole crew down here to observe and report

And black bagging 7 or so shot callers while you negotiate their release in exchange for ACTING RIGHT if the only way this gets solved

I got mad respect for you, but power only understands power, caveman only speaks caveman

I'm trying to move forward, not figure out "a good defense of my reputation"

They don't care, lots of these cops are former local military, who get recruited by private security firms as they transition and work for both being inside guys for the security firm

And these security firms also maintain close relationships with the cartel and even run product when contracts are slow for revenue

Power only understands power

I guarantee it will be cheaping then the then entire bullshit squad you have down here now, "observing and reporting"

The people consulting you are dragging this out, you don't make money on "quick wars"... they're blowing smoke up your ass while getting you to pay off their beach house

Go outside of them and pay some roughnecks 30gs to black bag the shot callers from those 3 groups I's literally the only way to achieve peace

Cavemen only understand "Unga bunga" moves...

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