Meltzer: The announcers were told to call Goldberg vs. Lesnar like a fight, unlike everything else on the show

it is good for educational purposes of the audience for them to believe a main event can end at any time

The big PPV shows of late have been ending after 11 p.m., and thus, as Goldberg and Lesnar went to the ring with about 30 minutes left, people were conditioned, knowing how long the show goes, that it would be a normal length main event. Instead, the show ended “way early.”

I mean, that would make sense except for the fact that the fans are far more so "conditioned" to only ever see rare part-timers ever get booked this strongly and unpredictably, it's not like fans are gonna be like "wow, if Goldberg/Lesnar ended like this maybe we'll see AJ Styles squash Dean Ambrose in under 30 seconds too! Anything can happen!"

I mean, good on them for trying something different and surprising, as far as the logic of "re-conditioning" fans that was supposedly behind this, its not like any fans are gonna ever expect to see anyone who's not on the level of a Brock, Goldberg or Undertaker ever have a match like this as long as they keep booking the actual full-time main-eventers like a second-class tier compared to those guys.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread