[MEME] You da real MVP, legendary Resident

I already have a doctorate, worked in a professional setting in a hospital in the critical care unit for over a decade, was a preceptor for medical students, nursing students, pharmacy students, and respiratory therapy students. I use to do didactic lectures every week for emergency medicine and internal medicine residents. Unfortunately the flairs don't allow me to put this information in.

That being said, I have never, in over 14 years of working in a hospital, have seen a benefit of yelling at a resident, student, attending, or colleague in order for them to learn something. I have yelled a total of 4 times in my career, and I regret every single time because the person didn't know any better. Their mistakes could have/caused harm, but they did not do it on purpose, they just didn't know. Yelling at them doesn't make them learn it any better, it creates a horrible workplace atmosphere where they are more likely to make mistakes.

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