Men that have been sexually assaulted, how did you cope with it and how did people you told react ?

Was really twisted after we threw a party at our house, some people were still lingering as they tend to do, said no and she just kinda went for it, I was kinda there enough I could’ve stopped. It doesn’t really affect me much as it is what it is, my mentality and why I feel it might be worse for women I could’ve stopped her at anytime, she was bigger than me(lol) but I literally could’ve pushed her off, stood up and decked her in the face if I really wanted. I’ve also been sexually assaulted by my girlfriend(still current girlfriend), we joke about it but it was definitely sexual assault. We got in a fight me and my housemate/best friend got completely wasted she showed up at my house at like 4am I was half awake completely thrashed with the spins in my bed she just kinda walks in starts talking to me I’m like nows not the time(probably sounded like noise tbh). And she started apologizing and what not and said I’ll make it up to you and started well I don’t need to go into detail and I was telling her no to stop just piss off we’ll talk in the morning, even said she can sleep over so she didn’t have to get home(also drunk). She did give up after a few and we laugh about it but really had the shoe been on the other foot there’d be no joking. Again I don’t think much of it, we do agree it’s kinda fucked but it wasn’t really that bad, I guess typing it out justifying it makes it seem kinda bad but it really wasn’t a big deal to me.

/r/AskReddit Thread