Men constantly putting you in the "friendzone"

Rule 1) Be attractive.

Rule 2) Don't be unattractive.

People take that to mean physical appearance and it definitely does in part. /r/popular is full of people who are shedding pounds via their subreddit's favorite ways and showing it off accordingly. They have something to be proud of. With that said, it doesn't stop there. That is why we have a subreddit for everything.

After you've hit /r/keto, /r/intermittentfasting, /r/Fitness or /r/xxfitness, /r/ketorecipes, and more, you look better in clothes. The idea is: Which clothes and with what? That is where /r/femalefashionadvice, /r/SkincareAddiction, /r/MakeupAddiction, and a dozen more come in. The list goes on.

/r/books, /r/movies, /r/woodworking, /r/ There is a subreddit for every interest, hobby or distraction you can imagine. Someone may find you interesting when you're around something you find interesting.

If nothing else, it will make your Tinder profile photos and profile a lot better.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread