Why Men Don’t Like Funny Women

I don't really understand what is meant by "men's humor" and "women's humor". I assume what she means is that men only do jokes about farts and dicks, and women only do jokes about periods and vaginas, which makes it seem like she's basing this on what she has seen from really hacky and unoriginal comedians and not real people in everyday life who are funny. I know lots of funny women and I find them funny because they have the same sense of humor that I do and they laugh at dumb, juvenile shit like I do.

I think the whole thing about female comedians not being considered funny has a lot to do with men basically running the business with this mindset where female comedians have to do "women's humor" for a female audience so the only comics who make it past the gatekeepers are hacky comics that just do the same cliche jokes about periods and vaginas and base their entire routine on their gender, and the aspiring female comics who might actually be funny and have original material are never seen by anyone outside of a rinky dink comedy club.

Same thing happens with race, as evidenced by Margeret Cho being told by her producers to "be more asian" and Dave Chappelle's producers wanting him to do nothing but jokes involving racial stereotypes. But nobody ever told Louis CK to do nothing but jokes about being a fat bald redhead, nobody told George Carlin to do nothing but jokes about being a cranky old man - white male comics are free to create their own stage identity and not have one forced upon them.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread Link - theatlantic.com