Do you want men to help you with moving something heavy in the gym?

I'm with u/zbplot on this. Unsolicited advice/help is something I rarely appreciate, as it often comes with a condescending undertone that I'm not a fan of, and that I've only ever seen directed towards women. And that unsolicited help with condescending attitude occurs primarily in the gym for me, and for many of the other women I know who lift. Not to say that there aren't people who really want to help, but in my experience those people will only offer opinions or help if asked.

I think that, more than anything, people (and I say people in general, because this really doesn't only apply to men) aren't really paying attention to anything other than their workout in the gym, and so they don't see other people struggling with something. I've walked buy another person struggling to re-rack the bar and not noticed until she got my attention and asked me to help her. I was happy to help her, of course, but if she hadn't spoken up I would have gone on with my workout.

Your expectation that a guy is obligated to help you is wrong, in my opinion. You are not a damsel in distress. If you want help, ask from it. I'm sure most of the people (again, not only men) would be happy to help if you asked.

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