Men need to understand that every man (even the ones talking smack about women with you on discord) is Schrodinger's Rapist - not only to women, but *you as a man* have no idea if he has raped or not, only belief

I live in the UP, I completely understand exactly what you are saying. Completely surrounded by misogynists, and we legit live an hour outside of our local "town" (pop 400) - in the woods. These "men" here are a different breed. I can only imagine it's much worse over the bridge.

I'm not from around here, retired military. I've lived all over, multiple states multiple countries. These men...scare the shit out of me. I even made the mistake of working for a company in town owned by a local family...big mistake.

I also go through my life (when in town) assuming everyone is a potential/already rapist. These men...I wish I could describe. The fear is real. I have stories for days about everything I've seen.

Anywho...I know you said you weren't scared of them, but I definitely worry. Even with my right to carry and big husband, I worry my head off. Too many instances of angry redneck-y men losing their shit around here - on women only.

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