To the men on antidepressants, what helps you finish?

Try finding something like a new kink that he didn't even know he likes

Nothing turns people on more than finding a new kink or position or anything new related to sex. Maybe a vibrating ring or new style of condoms (I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend naturalamb condoms. It changes everything! Seriously. It sometimes feels better than no condom)

if you wait like the person said above, then try something new that he is comfortable with it will make his heart flutter and a BIG part of penis problems is all the mentality. Thinking "I'm not going to be able to cum" or "I probably can't get hard what's the point" seriously ruins the mood for the guy. If he is busy thinking about "woah this is exciting what is happening" then he won't be thinking about his dick and it will "come" naturally

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