Men on reddit commenting about them not getting sex from their wives always makes me uncomfortable

Ugh….this makes me feel like a school teacher who is reading a book report from a student who clearly didn’t read the book. You have no understanding of men’s psyche. The fact is, most (by a huge margin) men would have nothing to do with women if it weren’t for sex. Generally speaking, men don’t have friends that are women unless there is a sexual interest. The reason? We differ too much at a base level. Our senses of humor are different. The way we deal with problems are different (solution based vs venting and empathizing). The way we build relationships are different. The list is never ending. This isn’t an American thing; or a western world thing; or a 21st century thing; this is a phenomena that has existed throughout time and locale.

The way a woman feels when asked for sex in a way that isn’t romantic or is demanding is the EXACT same way men feel when asked to go to some horrid brunch event or when you feel like you have to unload your entire day on us the moment we step foot in the door, or how you demand we turn off our natural inclinations to solve problems and just listen and empathize even though the solution is right in front of us.

Exceptions prove the rule by the way.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread