Men: Pay my shit, prove your worth and value to me, treat me like a goddess---- Fuckboys: "literally say hello and you're already winning"

I work with a third party agency/advocacy group that deals with a lot of homeless people in my city and you'd be shocked how many LGBTQ people are on the streets. I also 100% agree with your statement. A lot of these folks are truly messed up. A lot of them also are extremely difficult to deal with.

Now, full disclosure: i live in a country (not America) that gives human rights to every human being, regardless of sex, gender, gender orientation, race, Color, creed, nationality or anything. In no way do I have feelings towards any person regardless of who they are. We also have to sign documents detailing exactly that we treat ever human with dignity and respect.

Having said that, lot of the LGBTQ just are impossible to deal with - you try to speak with them, they scream that they're being "oppressed" (wut) or that someone is out to get them. Some, not all will also have some very serious mental health illness that is above our pay grade. They need doctors and hospitals, not to be on the streets crying. Compared to the average homeless guy, they're a shitshow to handle. They're abusive, can sometimes be threatening to staff, they can't take responsibility for their actions, they ALWAYS demand (never ask) and the most important thing: ITS ALWAYS ABOUT THEIR IDENTITY. It mentally feels like I've gone five rounds in a boxing ring after I'm done with one of them.

Again, I'm in no way discriminating, just stating my experience.

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