Do men really care that much about age when looking for long-term partners?

But seriously, don’t get down. I met my boyfriend last year when he was 27, I was 28. We’re planning to get engaged sometime in 2023. Our ages have never come up, except when talking about having kids (I’m 29.5 now, we’re aware we want to start trying in the next 3-ish years).

My mom was 35 when I was born; his mom was 40 when she had him.

My point being… you don’t want a man who cares about your age. Focus on finding the right man and the rest will follow. As someone who wants kids very badly, I am acutely aware that it could not happen for any number of reasons (and this is true no matter your age). The important thing is you’re with the right partner to raise kid(s) together, or to get through not being able to have kids together.

Good luck, I believe it will all work out for you just the way it’s meant to.

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