Men of reddit, what are some of the pressures that men can go through that maybe the opposite sex might not understand?

Men are allowing this circumstances because they break down when women start to cry.

I've been with my wife for many years now.

In the beginning it was just as you would picture it: There is an argument about something... No matter what it can't be her fault.

When I asked her why she was speaking in an aggressive tone her justification would always boil down to "because I don't get to have it my way".

Her reaction of whatever kind (this goes for every woman I've ever been with) was basically justified because I didn't say "fine you are right. I was wrong". And it was never over until she more or less got to have things her way when we had an argument.

I could stay calm and argument in a civilized way, she would yell at me anyway. Why? Because she didn't get to win the argument.

At some point I was fed up with how pointless and frustrating this was and decided to let her taste her own medicine.

She would get loud. Fine I can yell too.

She is screeming at me, knocking stuff down out of anger, I can do that too.

After the first time I escalated just like her she looked at me in shock and asked me why I was behaving like this.

I yelled "You don't like it? That's how you have been acting towards me in every argument for the last ten years!"

That was the last time she yelled at me to win an argument.

Is she yelling at you? Yell at her!

Is she unwilling to admit fault when it clearly is her fault? Be just as annoying as she would be! Dig up the same shit 3 times a day for the next week until she admits she was wrong. She is doing the same to you.

If she isn't willing to argue on your civilized terms, than give her the poo throwing mud fight she is trying to put on you.

That's equality. And it works.

Many women have learned to act loud and annoying or start crying to get it her way. Give her some of her own medicine and show her how stupid it looks.

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