Men of Reddit, what are some things women THINK we like, but couldn’t be more wrong about?

In this climate, with real, horrifying rape and molestation allegations, I think more people should be looking at the fact that Louis asked for consent in every case. Sometimes inappropriately at work, but he still asked. When a girl said no to him, that was the end of it. Just because he has power doesn't mean he doesn't have the same right to ask for sexual consent from women, a lot of responsibility lies with the women as well for consenting with something they don't want and then blaming it on his power. They have the power of will. Not saying it's their fault or his. It was mutual consent, but I think it's wrong to think that just because someone has "power" doesn't mean that they can't seek their sexual attractions with appropriate consent. Louis acted unprofessional in some of these charges, but he shouldn't be lumped in with the real monsters who don't give two shits about consent.

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