Men of Reddit who didn't have a Father figure: What did you learn later in life that you wish was taught when you were young?

nothing. I use to think that it would be on how to approach women but really approaching women is about dealing with rejection and about having confidence to get what you want. to me has very little to do with whether I had a father figure or not.

what would they teach you? my advice is to realize you are always learning from others and for me I am biased because I am bisexual, but my advice would be to not get too attached to your heterosexual male identity. by doing so, it makes you feel like only a man can teach you things and a man's world is so vastly segregated from a woman's world. I do believe there are differences of course, but not as concrete and definite.

when this happens, it seems like there are certain things you missed out on because of an absent father, when in reality you can teach yourself anything and truly nobody teaches you anything. as a user stated, even men with father figures are constantly learning.

I dont think parents are a reliable source of anything and so I never wish they taught me anything.

context: I had terrible mother and father figures so I grew up kinda on my own and developed my own skills. they also were filled with lots of misunderstandings and superstitions and magical views of things. also my family are immigrants so I had a lot of things myself and teach myself things.

/r/AskMen Thread