Why do men think THEIR sperm is OUR problem?

I will say that my vasectomy was way, WAY worse than what you're describing, and it was done by the head of urology at a world renowned hospital. The actual procedure was uncomfortable but not so bad. I've had routine cleanings at the dentist that were worse in terms of discomfort.

But OMG, the pain and swelling post-procedure lasted 3 weeks and every fucking step was a nightmare for most of it. Using the bathroom was an exercise in frustration. I swelled like I had a melon attached to my body. It was probably 6 months before I could have sex without waking up the next day in testicular pain, which led to me associating sex with pain and kind of killed my libido for a year.

I'm doing better now, and it was the right decision for my family, and goodness knows my wife had the worse end of the reproductive bargain with our two kids, but the description of a vasectomy as a simple procedure that's just in and out with no muss no fuss really irks me. I understand that maybe I had an experience that isn't the same as others, but people shouldn't undersell it as a procedure. It's "simple" but not "10 minutes and a pinch".

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