Men who are very financially successful: how did you do it? Any advice for a recent college grad?

The graph only goes up to 90th percentile but I think it's a very safe bet that I am top 5%, OP.

Okay, you graduated college already so I hope you picked a high-paying major, because that's the first and most important step. If you majored in basketweaving, then odds of you being "very" financially successful are slim to none pretty much no matter what you do.

Okay, think of 4 other people that you know, who are your age and graduated with you. Picture a job you want. If the five of you show up to an interview for that job, are you definitely going to send them home without an offer? Did you outwork them by a mile, study harder, learn more, get better internships, get more experience? It shouldn't even be close. If it is close, then start widening the gap immediately as soon as you get your first job.

Part of working harder is also being willing to sacrifice things that other people aren't willing to sacrifice. Moving around and jumping from company to company instead of sitting and staying comfortable is huge. Get your experience and get out. Always know what you're worth elsewhere in the country, and be willing to go there if the price is right.

Learn why you're doing things at work. Every co-worker will hit a wall eventually, where they just do a task and stop being interested in why they're doing it. The guy who needs to know why more than others do, is the guy who is learning a little extra and forming connections outside his own department. He's got the information and the resources to get fast answers when questions pop up, and he looks like a genius and gets noticed. Always be learning and you'll shine without really even having to try.

When the high paychecks start coming in, learn to actively invest. Yes, you need a safe fallback like a 401k, but also learn to make extra income with your money. Start a small business, own rental property, learn to trade stocks, etc. Don't be 100% reliant on your job. The more money comes in, the more you have, the more you invest, the more comes in, and so on and so forth.

If you want to be top 5%, you have to do things that 95% of people are unwilling to do. That's really all it boiled down to, for me.

/r/AskMen Thread