Men who have been in emotionally but not physically abusive relationships, are you able to talk about it? When did you realize it was abuse? [Xpost from AskWomen]

My mother is a narcissistic, abusive, lecherous, lazy, entitled piece of human garbage, and somehow she manages to keep up an image that SHE'S the victim in all of it. Meanwhile, all of her kids hate her guts and her husband slaves away for HOURS to support our family while she pretends to do office work. She's a registered nurse, for Christ's sake, and she doesn't do anything with it.

She doesn't do any chores around the house, but literally screams at us if we don't do ours perfectly. She yells at my dad every night about how she's being "mistreated." She hasn't given my dad a public display of affection in all the time I've known them. Not a hug, not a kiss, nothing. She blames everything on my dad. LITERALLY any sort of relationship problem ties back to him, in her mind.

I have never heard an apology from her that wasn't some sort of nopology like, "I'm sorry you feel that way." She refuses to take responsibility for anything in her life.

I went up to my family 3 times during my childhood to try to get them to get me help for depression/anxiety. Guess what my mom told me? "Kids can't have anxiety. We can't afford a doctor, anyway." (They had full insurance. Fucking liars.)

I had a suicidal spell a few months back, induced by me feeling hopeless and without any value. Guess what my mom does when I tell her? Scowls at me. Asks me if I'm on drugs in the most disappointed voice I've ever heard. Shames me for not being a "good Christian."

And she casts herself as a devout Christian. She is EXACTLY the kind of person who'd argue with the Almighty at the pearly gates because she thought giving 20% of our family income to Benny Hinn would save her a place in heaven.

If you can't tell, I'm seething right now. I have done everything in my power to try to salvage our relationship, but you can't fix a fundamentally evil person. I hate her. And it takes a fucking atrocious person to get me to hate anybody.

I'm just glad I'm on my own now. That's the only thing that made me realize that she's a shitty, scummy human being.

Phew. OK. Thanks for the rant. I needed that.

/r/AskMen Thread