Men who ended up dating the girl you told your ex not to worry about - how did it go?

No, I stated that she the chances are she had either already planned it with this guy (considering they were officially in a relationship within a week of breaking up with this guy. This happens very often, as many women (and men) like to line up their next partner ASAP.

And by the way, I did not vilify anyone, but did state some strong possibilities which are obvious to anyone willing to look past their narrow sexist view- you’re literally fabricating a back story which goes against all evidence here because you can’t deal with the fact that moving on after a week would fuck with anyone’s head and that the odds are she had this guy lined up like many women (and men) do. I’ve been there (although I was the dumper) and even that’s not nice. Some people can’t handle being single, and often line up their next partner or feel they must find someone new right away.

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